Community Closet

We are so grateful for the donations received to support the PATH Community Closet. 

Because of your generosity, we are at capacity and at this time can no longer accept donations until future notice. 

Our Community Closet is located at the Community Resource Center (1585 N Rand Road) in the Community Cares Suite.  Our goal is to provide clothing attire for our community all year long.

After a minimal donation is made of $1 per person, families can choose clothing for their entire family.  They must be referred to the closet by a social worker from area organizations ie: Community Consolidated School District 15 (CCSD15), Palatine High School, Fremd High School, Partners for Our Communities (POC) and Palatine Police Department to name a few.  Once qualified by the referring organization, they are signed up with a date and time to shop and are given a voucher used for entry.

The Community Closet has infant to adult size clothing that is stocked by generous donations from the Palatine community and local organizations.  We are so grateful for the collaboration of the Northwest Suburban Council (NWSC) of PTA/PTSA and Community Consolidated School District 15 (CCSD15) for their support with donation collection bins and delivering the donations to the Community Closet.  Note: School-age children are also provided with new socks and underwear.

Our greatest needs

Helping Hands (Volunteers) sign up through our volunteer Sign Up app

Monetary donation to our Operation Warm fundraising page to purchase new coats

Gently used clothes, shoes, winter coats, snow pants, and boots. Our GREATEST need is children’s clothes for ages newborn to 18.

All garments should be washed and/or in clean condition with no stains, broken zippers, missing buttons or snaps, personal names, clothes with a dated event, or company logos.  We do not accept car seats, cribs, mattresses, or baby equipment.


Donation locations

CCSD15 Schools – Temporarily not accepting donations

All Community Consolidated School District 15 (CCSD15), yellow donation bins are located at the main entrance of each school.  Tax-deductible receipts are also available on the front of each bin in a folder. A list of the schools and their locations can be found here:

Community Resource Center

We are at capacity and at this time and can no longer accept donations until future notice.

Local high school and junior high students can earn community service hours by signing up through our volunteer Sign Up app

Special arrangements can be made for groups with younger kids, clubs or organizations to sort and replenish the clothing rooms.

Email us at to arrange a date for your group or if you should have any questions.